1815 Shiloh Road, Corinth, MS 38834 | Phone: (662) 287-8062 | Fax: (662) 287-6429 | Mon-Fri 8:00am - 6:30pm | Sat 8:00am - 5:00pm | Sun 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Gunn Drug Company Logo
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Fast and convenient <br> drive thru service. Fast and convenient
drive thru service.
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Looking for DME Products? <br><br>We offer a full-line of<br> durable medical equipment. Looking for DME Products?

We offer a full-line of
durable medical equipment.
Manage your family's medication<br> under one account! Manage your family's medication
under one account!
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Manage your facility's <br>patient medications in one account! Manage your facility's
patient medications in one account!
Contact Us
We want your family happy and healthy!<br> Call us today to schedule your vaccination! We want your family happy and healthy!
Call us today to schedule your vaccination!
Your health is our priority.

We take our role in your health very seriously. Come in today to see how we can help.

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Our Affiliations

National Community Pharmacists Association